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4/28 ~ 5/8 May Mornings Event 5월의 아침들 이벤트 북미소식

/pad/tboard/?n=753200&board=21 주소복사

May Mornings
5월의 아침​들

[Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8

(** 목요일날 시작되는 이벤트입니다 )

*This event starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT). As dawn slowly rises above the horizon and the dew softly settles on the grassy knowles, the first signs of May have begun to blossom. School is nearing the end of its semester and summer is almost upon us! Let us welcome May with open arms in the May Morning Event!
Time to get to farming! This event features 10x monster points for select Descended Boss Monsters as well as 10x chance for +Eggs in Descended Dungeons!
■① Daily Login Bonuses [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 5:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 4:59 AM (PDT). 4/28 - 5/8: 1 free TAMADRA delivered daily (11 Total) 11 타마드라 입니다... 얼마만인지... *Bonuses will be distributed as late as 4:59 AM (PDT) of the following day. *To receive Login Bonuses, players must have available space in their in-game mail.
■② Raindrops on a Window Pane
Gift Dungeons are a great way to gain experience, Magic Stones, and other helpful rewards! Take this opportunity to Rank Up and evolve your monsters!
  • 4/28 - 5/8: Experience of a Lifetime 초절정경험치 타마
  • 5/2 - 5/6: Gift from the Holy Beasts 성수로부터의 선물 ( 보옥 )
■③ Moonlight Princess [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This dungeon is available from 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM to 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
For this event, Kaguya-Hime is available as a Coin Dungeon! There will be a board restriction in place that utilizes a (5x4 Board) and awoken skills are invalid. This dungeon comes in Mythical and Legend Plus difficulties.
Kaguya-Hime will feature rare Latent TAMADRA (Water Dmg. Red.) invades! Select Coin Dungeons will also have 2x Drop Rates! For details on the Coin Dungeon lineup that started on 4/16, see here. 선택된 던전들은 드랍률 2배가 적용됩니다
  • Kaguya-Hime (Awoken Skills Invalid/5x4 Board) 카구야히메 강림(각성무효)가 코인 5X4 로 등장합니다. 물경감타마가 난입합니다
  • Flower Dragons (No RCV) 화룡 시리즈 (회복없음)
■④ Fresh Cup of Coffee
Rub the sleep from your eyes and get that coffee pot ready--the new Challenge Dungeon series is here! Take on 10 different floors with increasing difficulty and claim your prizes!
Poring Tower also arrives in the Multiplayer Dungeons! Grab a friend and do some early-morning Poring farming!
  • 4/28 - 5/8: Challenge Dungeons! 챌린지 던전 ( 챌린지24 멀티플레이어 )
  • 5/2 - 5/8: Poring Tower ( 포링 타워, 멀티 플레이어 )
Notes: *Challenge Dungeon awards are available only up to 5/9 (Mon), UTC-8. *Please take special note of end times for receiving rewards. End times are reflected in UTC-8. For more details see here.
■⑤ 10x Monster Points for Select Descended Boss Monsters [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu), 12:00 AM - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT)
10x Monster Points for Descended Monsters when sold. 북미최초로 ( 한퍼드와 동일하게 ) 특정 보스 몬스터들 판매시 몬스터포인트를 10배로 획들할수있습니다.
■⑥ 10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu), 12:00 AM - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
+Eggs will have a 10x Chance drop rate in Descended Dungeons! 강림 던전에서 +알 확률이 10배
Notes: *10x chance for +Eggs will also apply to the limited time Descended Carnival dungeons, Descended Challenge dungeons, as well as the Descended Dungeons that are purchased from the Coin Dungeons menu. 10배는 강림 카니발, 강림 챌린지, 코인 강림 던전들에도 적용됩니다*10x chance for +Eggs does not apply to Multiplayer Dungeons. 10배는 멀티플레이어 던전에는 적용되지 않습니다
■⑦ TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus is available from 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM to 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
Valuable TAMADRAs are now available to collect as a rare invade! Appearing in Castle of Satan and Castle of Satan in the Abyss, the TAMADRA unlocks your monsters Awoken Skills! 마왕의성 그리고 심연의 마왕서 성에서 타마드라가 난입합니다!
■⑧ Legendary Dungeon Bonus [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
Challenge daunting Technical Dungeons while unlocking Latent Awakenings. Select Technical Dungeons include: 선택된 테크니컬 던전에서 +알 확률이 20배. 선택된 던전에선 잠재각성타마도 난입합니다
  • Legendary Mountain Path 전설의 산길
  • Legendary Hills 전설의 언덕
  • Legendary Skyway 전설의 항로
  • Legendary Snowy Valley 전설의 설계
■⑨ Fusion Bonuses [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/9 (Mon) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/10 (Tue), 12:59 AM (PDT).
3x chance for Skill Ups will be available during the event! 스킬업할 확률이 3배​ ( 북미최초? )
■⑩ Normal Dungeons +Egg and EXP Bonus [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus will take effect at various timings between 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings. 특정 시간에 노멀 던전에서 경험치 2 배
■⑪ Limited Time Dungeons Egg Drop Bonus [Duration]: 4/28 (Thu) - 5/8 (Sun) UTC-8 *This bonus starts at 4/28 (Thu), 1:00 AM and ends at 5/9 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
There will also be a 1.5x chance for Egg Drops in the following Limited Time Dungeons: Rare Monster Infestation!, Descended Carnival (Legend) and Evo Monster Infestation! 선택된 게릴라 던전에서 드롭률이 1.5배가 됩니다 레어 케랙 대량발생, 강림 카니발, 레어 진화 소제 러쉬 *Limited Time Dungeons do not appear on a set schedule.
Notes: *Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here. 

*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.  


한퍼드와 다르게 보옥난입이 없는듯하네요... 파망하긴 편하겠군요 ㅎㅎ


북미이벤트는 보통 오는게 늦어서 ( 강림10배가... 한판등장후 2달걸림... ㅠ ㅠ) 거의 포기했는데 다행이도 몬포10배는 동시에 오네요

그리고 2시간 점검이 27일 밤 11시부터 새벽 1시까지 예약되어 있는데 한국처럼 각성 아폴로/헤르메스일듯 하네요

북미 갓페스는 따로 공지가 나갑니다

Lv. 18 82%
Lv. 1 0%

미군대 훈련중입니다... ㅋㅋ.. ㅠㅠ

17년도 9월에 다시 돌아올 예정입니다 ^^;;



북미에 거주중인 퍼드러입니다 ㅎㅎ

메인 북미 376.811.322

제도의 수호신 아테나​ / 전 5번대 대장 아이젠 소스케 / 암흑신 츠쿠요미=드래곤​ / 헌터(남) 미츠네X장비

서브 북미 301.800.487

제도의 수호신 아테나​/ 전 5번대 대장 아이젠 소스케



초반캐리 필요하시면 친추하고 메세지를주시면 됩니다.

( 친창이 300이라서... )


//www.puzzledragonx.com/ 제가쓰는 북미 퍼드 정보 사이트입니다. 

던전 정보/친구 찾기/게릴라 타이머 등.  



북미퍼드용 오픈 카톡방입니다

친구, 협던등을 구하시는 북미 유저분들 환영합니다


수각의 시간의 여신 스쿨드​ 한 592.113.366 


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